Friday, January 13, 2012

Mack's first REAL christmas!

Last year mackennon had is first Christmas, but it was hooked up to oxygen at st marks nicu. so this year me and Cory decided to call this his frosty Christmas! this time was right during a big growth spurt so lots of sleeping!! we woke him up at 7 to do our little family Christmas which he was NOT a fan of! ( he woke up during that time at 930 when i woke him up) but one gift he gave himself that day was his first tooth!!! i didn't even know he was teething! he was never super fussy or snotty or poopy or drooly!!! we found out when he was taking a drink from a glass cup and we heard a *Ting Ting when he bit the cup!!!! that night we had a great night with him not waking up once to even fuss or sleep crawl!! but as for Santa he did get a good amount of gifts! but he just loved the paper the most and pulling ornaments off the tree and chewing on them. me and Cory felt this was one of the best Christmas we have spent together! yes we know and think Christ is the center of Christmas BUT this year through the Dave Ramsey financial peace university we had saved and put aside a nice amount of money for Christmas and we were able to buy more then 2 gifts! i got my beloved toms shoes and LOTS of boot socks! Cory got some nice clothes and his very wanted hunting back pack and walkie talkies! this Christmas felt so complete since we had mackennon home with us and we were able to start our own family traditions! sadly i don't think we got any pictures of Christmas!! it was a very busy few days and we missed some important pictures!!!


Nicole said...

I got Toms for christmas too! I love that book by dave ramsey. So nice to see a new post, thanks!

Cassanova said...

soo fuuun!