So I have now updated twice in one month!! Im so proud of myself! Next step pictures!
Well since last post i am now 15 weeks along and having "issues". i went to my dr and told her of what i was experiencing since my last visit. well i must have said the magical word! becasue i got to pee for them 2 times and i get to visit her every 2 weeks not 4!! What is going on is that my kidneys have decided to hurt me. I guess it runs in the family and is pretty serious! the only nice thing is that the baby is doing great and its just me who isn't. My dr also said it was most likely the reason for the intense and often proclein god praying sessions!! they gave me some magical pill called zofron and i LOVE it!! at my next appoinmet we are going to schedule my ultra sound to find out what we're having! so im hoping only like 3 weeks. and i did feel the baby move the other day and it scared me to death! if any of you know me i WiLL not touch a pregnant ladies belly or want to feel the baby kick! so to have no control over the feeling of it kinda isn't settling well with me!

As of our other life we have been very busy. Corys little brother got married and that was a party. the family is now in texas this weekend for her reception aka 2 day long fiesta! sad to miss it but not sad to miss the heat there! we also got hanson family pictures taken! i felt bad for our photographer kim who had to deal with 22 people and 13 of them being kids! she did great though! the pictures turned out wonderful! here are some of the pictures of just me and cory. i look fat but i promise im pregnant!!!